Did you know it is illegal to exclude bats from a structure from April 16th to August 14? Between these times of year mother bats are birthing and raising there young. Young bats may not be able to fly yet and this would cause them to become trapped inside your attic space and they will die. If they are old enough to fly they can become confused and desperate and wind up inside your home. The expired bats can become a bio hazard and smell up your home also.
Here at JAX Wildlife Removal, we are often called out for bats seen exiting the roof line of a building. There are numerous ways bats can enter your home or business. A careful inspection is necessary because bats can enter a hole the diameter of 3/4″ or a crack 1/2″. As you can imagine, there can be numerous spots a bat could make there way into a building. Give us a call, 904-738-0555, and we can come up with a custom permanent solution to your bat problem.
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